What is IV Hydration/Nutrition Therapy?  IV nutrition consists of a variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients that work together to produce significant results. The process involves a customized drip of intravenous vitamin therapy treatment designed to suit each patient’s unique needs. IV hydration refreshes and replenishes your body with nutrients instantly, leaving you hydrated and revitalized. Hydration can restore your energy levels after a tiring, long day at the office. It can also help you sober up faster. A cocktail of vitamins, nutrients, and fluids that an IV therapy delivers will leave you feeling great and back on your feet in no time.

Some common infusions used include:

  • Amino acids
  • Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)
  • Glutathione
  • B Vitamins
  • Zinc
  • Biotin

At Remedy Restore, we offer several IV solutions to choose from, which can be customized to help boost energy, enhance the immune system, aid in athletic recovery and performance, enhance inner beauty and much more.

  • Immunity Booster: May strengthen your immune system and feel better faster
  • Glow and GrowFight aging from the inside out – hair, skin & nails
  • Road Runner:  May decrease recovery time and enhance your athletic performance
  • Brainstorm:  Improves cognitive function - information processing, learning and memory
  • All NighterHelps to ease symptoms of overindulgence – headache, nausea & dehydration


Immunity Booster – Feel Better Faster

Feeling under the weather?  Getting ready to travel?  Just want to strengthen your immune system in these uncertain times? Schedule yourself for an Immunity Booster IV Hydration treatment. With a select combination of vitamins and minerals including Vitamin C, Zinc and an exclusive vitamin complex you will feel better and be ready to face your day.


Glow and Grow – Hair, Skin & Nails

Through a unique combination of vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants, Glow and Grow IV therapy can improve the strength and health of your hair, skin, and nails. This unique formula detoxifies your body and rejuvenates your appearance from the inside, leaving you feeling and looking like the younger version of yourself. Unlike oral supplements and topical creams, IV treatments release antioxidants into your bloodstream to target and flush out free radicals. Free radicals contribute to aging and tissue damage.

Additional ingredients, such as glutathione and biotin found in the IV therapy repair UV damage, remove toxins from your body, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. IV therapy can also:

  • Slow the aging process
  • Brighten the skin
  • Improve blemishes


Road Runner - Improved Athletic Performance

Athletes push their bodies to the limit in search of excellence. To maintain peak performance and to compete at the highest level, the body requires a constant supply of vitamins and nutrients. Besides putting a strain on the muscles, intensive training and workouts also cause a gradual buildup of free radicals. Road Runner IV therapy can help the bodies of athletes flush out free radicals, heal faster, hydrate adequately and quickly, and maintain muscle and tissues.

Since IV therapy for athletes also delivers amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, it promotes muscle development and plays a vital role in the recovery process. It is important to note that IV therapy is ideal for both professional and amateur athletes. You can use the powerful combination of essential nutrients and rehydration to keep your body fit for an intense training session or a competition. IV therapy can improve athletic performance by:

  • Providing fast and adequate hydration
  • Maintaining healthy muscle and tissue
  • Reducing recovery time
  • Supporting muscle recovery
  • Acting as part of a recovery plan after a competition or workout
  • Acting as a pre-exercise endurance boost
  • Flushing out free radicals that result from intense exercise


Brainstorm - Improve Cognitive Function

With a combination of B6, Taurine and Alpha-Lipoic Acid the Brainstorm IV treatment can help improve overall brain function, increase memory recall and improve certain aspects of learning. Pyridoxine (B6) may provide some protection against memory loss. Taurine helps protect against environmental toxins, reduce brain inflammation and stimulate neuron formation. Alpha-Lipoic Acid is a powerful antioxidant that helps your body produce glutathione, which can help reduce oxidative stress and fight certain neurological diseases.

  • Improve brain function
  • increase memory recall
  • enhance certain aspects of learning


All Nighter - Fast Relief From Hangover Symptoms

Alcohol is a diuretic so it can leave your body dehydrated after a night of overindulgence.  A severe hangover can last up to 24 hours. Hangovers are often hard on the body, giving you a sickly feeling. An All Nighter IV treatment for hangover contains vitamins, anti-nausea medication and anti-inflammatory medication, electrolytes, and fluid replacement. This formula not only replenishes the electrolytes and nutrients but also rehydrates and detoxifies your body. It is so effective you can get relief within an hour of treatment.